The Featherlight Classic
4 bold color options. 1 style that can’t be mistaken. A true e-city pro delivering all-new levels of simplicity, performance, and delight.
Rider Height
For rider - 165 ~ 180 cm (5'5" ~ 5'11")
Top Speed
25 km/h
Up to 70 km
Net weight: 15 kg (excluding all accessories)
Full weight: 16 kg (including all accessories)
Permissible Max. Weight: 140 kg
36V, 7AH Lithium-ion battery with
Samsung/LG/Panasonic cells

Simple, Lightweight, and So Much Fun.
A lean, intuitive ride that brings lively fun with a smooth, subtle cycling style. Empower riders of all levels to cruise around with ease.

Our signature style is quality. Nimble. Sporty. Sharp
- Light, responsive and oh-so nimble
- Stealthy power on demand
- Enduring design with a modern twist

Must-haves for Joyful Cycling
Nimble Design - Super Lightweight
A lighter weight enables swifter acceleration, bringing bigger smiles and enjoyable rides.
Super agile | A joy to ride

Gates Carbon Belt Drive - Unchain your lifestyle
Durable, reliable, never slips. No maintenance needed for thousands of kms of care-free travel.
0 maintenance needed
Maintenance-free | Completely silent

Torque Sensor - A smooth, peppy ride
A silky-smooth powered ride as if your legs had a gifted energy.
0 time lag, instantaneous
Instant Response | Natural Feel

The E-bike for the Cycling Lovers
Even with the power switched off, it’s still a smooth, enjoyable ride, thanks to its low-resistance motor.

A stealthy e-bike with subtle superpowers. Onlookers will marvel at how you keep up the speed with such ease.